How to Structure Ads Remarketing Lists for Search Ads Campaigns.

Curious to know how you should structure your Google Ads search campaigns to maximize the potential of remarketing lists without investing an extensive amount of time or money? This blog is just for you! RLSAs are a great way to target highly relevant and potentially more profitable audience (those who have been exposed to your business or products and are still actively searching for your keywords).
Maximize Google Remarketing: Smart Tips for Optimizing Your Budget
#1 Simple Structure with Great Results
Before we get started, there’s one misconception that needs to be addressed which is that Google remarketing is an added expense that small and medium businesses that have recently started Google Ads PPC advertising simply cannot afford.
In fact, advertisers will be pleased to know that an RLSA campaign does not require a sophisticated setup or a million dollar budget.
#2 Target Lucrative Audience
Remarketing ad campaigns help by targeting a highly qualified audience segment of previous site visitors who are still searching for an advertiser’s keywords. According to some reports, RLSA campaigns can potentially deliver two times higher CTRs, two times conversion rates and up to 50% lower CPCs when compared to standard search campaigns.
However, certain conditions need to be fulfilled such as implementing a Remarketing Tag on the website and having the required Audience Size.
#3 Two Powerful Strategies
White label remarketing professionals use Google Remarketing Lists for Search Ads in different ways to optimize search campaigns.
- First, is by making bid adjustments on ad groups of existing campaigns for remarketing audiences who are actively looking for your keywords.
- Second, is by creating new ads group with targeted ads that appeal to previous occasion site visitors still interested in your business and products.
For monitoring purposes, you need to create a new remarketing audience in Google Analytics and ensure Google Ads and Analytics are linked.
#4 Adjust Bid in Existing Campaign
In the first scenario – of using Google Ads Remarketing Lists for Search Ads for making bid adjustments at the ad group level in an existing campaign – you can maintain the same ad copy and campaign structure. A quick way to set it up is to go to AdWords Editor, select all the ad groups where you want to implement this strategy, add the Audience and select Bid.
Be careful not to select Target and Bid because by doing so, you will end up targeting only previous visitors and drastically restrict the reach of your existing campaign.
#5 Create New Ad Groups in New Campaign
In the second scenario – to set up new ad groups in a new campaign for remarketing audience still interested in your keywords – go to AdWords Editor and copy paste your existing campaigns. At this stage, white label remarketing professionals recommend modifying restrictive keyword match types such as a phrase or exact to broad reach match types.
They also recommend evaluating existing structure to identify ad groups that you would rather exclude from your remarketing efforts.
#6 Develop Compelling Ads Creative
For the second scenario, it’s important to create new targeted ads with new messaging or selling points that appeal to the remarketing audience so that they return to your website. Select the ad groups where you want to use this strategy and add the Audience. Select Target and Bid option here so that you don’t end up competing with your existing campaign. Exclude the Audience from your existing AdWords search campaign so that the two campaigns don’t compete for same traffic.
Add a Remarketing Tag on your website as soon as possible and link AdWords with Analytics to make sure you have the required numbers to run RLSA. For the top class execution of an AdWords remarketing strategy, consult professional a PPC agency experts!